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Vintage Floral Embroidered Linen Coverlet

Vintage Floral Embroidered Linen Coverlet or Tablecloth

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About the Seller

Location: Saf Keep Storage, Redwood City

Verifed customer since 2016

All BuyStorageFinds sellers are verified Customers of Saf Keep Storage or other S.K.S. Management facilities.
Beautiful linen coverlet/tablecloth. Ecru colored linen with pink thread edging. Embroidered floral design with pink, yellow, blue, purple, and green colors. Has a center floral medallion with 4 floral designs surrounding the center design. Also an embroidered floral spray at the top end of the coverlet. Measures approximately 78" length, 72" width. In very good condition with no holes or discolorations. All embroidered by hand.
All BuyStorageFinds sellers are verified Customers of Saf Keep Storage or other S.K.S. Management locations.