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So many tools. SO MUCH STUFF!!

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About the Seller

Location: Saf Keep Storage, Glassell Park

Verifed customer since 2016

All BuyStorageFinds sellers are verified Customers of Saf Keep Storage or other S.K.S. Management facilities.
Compressors, adjustable 6' scaffolding, extension cords, air hoses, concrete tools, painting tools, drywall tools, electrical tools, metal working tools, automotive tools, plumbing tools, woodworking tools, power tools, hand tools, welding tools and MORE. Pics don't begin to show how many tools I have. Decades of working I have collected so many! a LOT need to go!! Prices will vary from $2-$150
All BuyStorageFinds sellers are verified Customers of Saf Keep Storage or other S.K.S. Management locations.