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Airsoft Guns

Airsoft Rifles

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About the Seller

Location: Saf Keep Storage, Del Rey Oaks

Verifed customer since 2016

All BuyStorageFinds sellers are verified Customers of Saf Keep Storage or other S.K.S. Management facilities.

All rifles and handgun are airsoft only. They are all in good condition and have only ever been used to shoot at cans in the backyard (if that, some were just on display). $40 for each except for the M4 with the replica M203 attached which we'll let go for $80. All of them are metal components, some with working slides etc and all sell for well over $100. I am just trying to clear some space out.

All BuyStorageFinds sellers are verified Customers of Saf Keep Storage or other S.K.S. Management locations.