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About the Seller

Location: Saf Keep Storage, San Leandro

Verifed customer since 2016

All BuyStorageFinds sellers are verified Customers of Saf Keep Storage or other S.K.S. Management facilities.
New in box (s). I partly assembled one chair and the table to provide photo, inspect parts, fit and finish and hen disassembled and replaced in boxes. A joy to assemble; well designed. You might notice I was racing sunset and had to get pics before dark so I didn't get to the bottom braces of the chair but the last photo is of the parts in the box. 100% complete and very nice. Due to using a flash for some photos and waning daylight, the color varies greatly. The 3rd photo is far lighter than it actually 5, the 4th is far darker. 5th and 6th are very close. Retail prices vary but the price here is a couple hundred below even the lowest before tax and possible shipping. I deliver free to local East Bay Area.
All BuyStorageFinds sellers are verified Customers of Saf Keep Storage or other S.K.S. Management locations.